Thanks for the help testing the website tonight. The stats have proven to be very useful. We’re still working with our hosting company to dig through the data and see where we stand. After we finish our analysis, we’ll post results and info here. We’re still holding off on salesRead More →

We’d like to run one last test. The hosting provider is on board to monitor performance, and we’re standing by to analyze the data. At 8pm EST 12/2, we’d like as many people as possible to hit human-registration and we’ll see what happens. While we know the load won’t beRead More →

Ok. Not only are we on a bigger set of iron, but now we’ve optimized caching to hopefully take the load off the origin servers. As a point of reference, this afternoon even after we were on the new server set, we were seeing peaks of 50 requests/sec with ~50%Read More →

Before we dive into any kind of detail, allow us to first apologize again and thank you for your tested and true patience.   Believe it or not, we had a good run of successful ticket sales for a few years and we’re going to get there again – oneRead More →

Ground Control to Major Tom…Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong… Yeah. It’s safe to say that we were not being hosted on a large enough instance.  So.  We’re working with the hosting company to (hopefully) correct this.  Will post more as we know it. The earliest sales might be isRead More →

It’s certainly been a busy month and we promised you updates on what we’ve been up to in regards to the upcoming ticket sales tomorrow.  Well, Major Tom, take your protein pills and put your helmet on – commencing countdown. Concurrency (or lack thereof) As we discussed earlier, our previousRead More →